Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gaining Back A Lost Friend

Gaining back a Lost Friend

In Saint Paul class I met a friend like you,‎
In the first quarter we became more than a seatmate.‎
There we have good times,‎
And are their in times of needs.‎

You thought me and I thought you.‎
Treated you as a male best friend
Every time when I am sad and started crying,‎
I can't find myself but to call your name.‎

No one can stop me from crying but except you.‎
I don’t know what is with you,‎
That makes my heart stay calm when I am with you,‎

Remember the sticker you picked in the floor?‎
It's Hamtaru and Beiju and you stacked it on my armchair.‎
It touches my heart when you say it's you and me,‎
Because I know their friendships are great.‎

When the time came when we found our lovers,‎
You and I are in love with other person
Though we got busy but because of our similarity,‎
We still finds time to talk and shares what we feel.‎

Remember the retreat days?‎
Where we talked so deep at night in the nipa cottage
That makes me feel so comfortable revealing my true self to you.‎

As we got in college and rarely be with each other,‎
I always keep you in my heart
B'cause you're important and I know you know that.‎

With a confession about myself to you,‎
There was a sudden gap between you and me,‎
That makes me cry and breaks my heart.‎

You know that I love you,‎
But I'm confused what kind of love is that,‎
A half of me get hurt when I see someone with you,‎
And the other half gets happy when I see you happy.‎

Now our friendship was back to the usual way it was
I wish it won't be broken nor destroy again
And wish no one can stop our friendship,‎
Not even our special someone,‎
If that will happen again I don’t know if I can still cope with.‎

Now is my chance to ask you back
Can I have back the old Loisan who I was to call my best friend?‎
Though I already accepted the new Loisan,‎
But still there are times when I longed for the old you.‎

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